Our Boys have to raise $8,000 to reach the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rugby League Nationals being held in Auckland in early September.
We are fundraising and looking for sponsors to get there but Travel away to tournaments is always expensive, and it is a stretch for some of our boys to make it, so please support us by Sponsoring us, donating online at
Givealittle, bidding on one of our Trade Me auctions, or just by sharing this message on your Social Media
Givealittle is a crowdfunding site that we have a page on and is a great way to contribute and show support.
We are looking for a major jersey front sponsor, and individual sleeve sponsors ($250).
Our sponsors will acknowledgement of your support in media such as NZ League magazine and local media, our school magazine and newsletters. Display of your logo on our website, mobile app, and facebook page. Their logo displayed at the NZSSRL Tournament, our school training camp in December and other league oriented events, such as last years anti bullying and rugby league skills clinic, run by the Cronulla Sharks and covered by Television One News.
Last year participation in this tournament was covered by Radio Sport, TV One, TV 3, Maori TV and sky TV, and is likely to be covered again this year.
We are selling some collectibles on Trademe, including Cronulla Training shirts and singlets signed by Nu Brown and a Northern Territories RL Jersey donated by Paul Ruri
Just posting this page on your social networks and sharing it with your friends will also go a long way to helping us.
Thanks for your support!